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Ceramics for Smart Systems Group




  From the country to the table with sustainable materials.
The DIANA project aims to develop new active solutions to increase the sustainability of plastic food packaging.
The "World Population Prospects 2019" report, published by the United Nations, reveals that the world population will grow by about 30% to 9.7 billion people by 2050. This will require a 70% increase in food production and a 50% increase in investment in agriculture to feed the demand of these 2 billion additional people.

 More information: DIANA



  The new EU-funded SUNSHINE project develops and validates Safe & Sustainable by Design strategies for products enabled by Multi-component Nanomaterials and facilitates their implementation at industrial scale
The project objectives feature:
● Create the Safe Innovation Approach (SIA) e-infrastructure to facilitate the development of S&SbD strategies for MCNMs and their uptake and implementation by industry, especially by SMEs
● Identify and develop experimental methods and generate data to support the development of S&SbD strategies and their validation
● Propose multiscale modelling approaches to support the development and testing of the S&SbD strategies
● Employ grouping and read-across to enable use of existing information for the S&SbD of MCNMs
● Demonstrate the SIA e-infrastructure and validate the S&SbD strategies in industrial case studies
● Contribute to Regulatory Preparedness by providing recommendations on adaptation of the current EHS standard guidelines and regulatory guidance for chemicals and Nanomaterials (NMs) to address MCNMs.
More information: SUNSHINE



  The new EU-funded CHARISMA project is set to harmonise and standardise Raman Spectroscopy for characterisation across the life cycle of a material, from product design and manufacture to lifetime performance and end-of-life stages
The project objectives feature:
●Normalise the harmonisation of Raman spectroscopy in the Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing community
● Model to harmonise Raman spectroscopy, Raman spectra and Raman characterisation data
● Generate a FAIR Raman data repository
● Demonstrate the performance of harmonised Raman
characterisation across domains in real industrial cases
● Standardise Raman protocols
More information: CHARISMA

ICEBERG PROJECT - Circular Economy of Building Materials 

  The CSS group (ICV-CSIC) participates in the European ICEBERG project for the innovative re-use of construction and demolition waste with 35 public and private organisations from ten countries
-    The project, which will last for four years, has a budget of 15,667,498 euros, of which the European Union is contributing 12,997,935 euros from the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme.
-    The aim is to offer innovative circular economy-based solutions for producing high-value materials from the most common construction and demolition waste (C&DW). 
More information: Iceberg

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Alpha Gold Prize 2020:

Conductive or Anti-static ceramic tiles (Spark 0)

  Researchers of the Ceramics for Smart Systems Group, in collaboration with Argenta Cerámica, have been awarded the 2020 Alpha Gold Prize for the design of anti-static tiles with a constructive solution. 

The anti-static tiles reduce in 4 magnitud orders the electric resistance of conventional tile and provide a volume conduction, which allows a constructive solution for anti-static floors.

argenta icv

Rare-Earth-Free Magnets for a Greener Future

The AMPHIBIAN project, funded by the European Commission (H2020-NMBP-2016-720853), has developed new ferrite magnets with an improved magnetic performance. The magnets have been inserted in a novel flywheel design, that allows to store kinetic energy by means of a rotating disc held by magnetic levitation. The AMPHIBIAN magnets represent a step forward in sustainability, recyclability and eco-friendliness.




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AnisoMetric Permanent HybrId magnets Based on Inexpensive And Non-critical materials

#PermanentMagnets   #GreenTech   #H2020

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  Researchers from the Ceramics for Smart Systems Group (ICV-CSIC) achieve the first food packaging additive that kills listeria

  Investigadores del Grupo de Materiales para Sistemas Inteligentes (ICV-CSIC) logran el primer aditivo para envases alimentarios que mata la listeria

El aditivo reduce de forma drástica la población de bacterias, pasando en 24 horas de 100.000 unidades formadoras de colonias a cero.






Noche Europea de los Investigadores 2019

2019 European Researchers' Night

El pasado 27 de septiembre, miembros de varios centros CSIC organizaron un evento de divulgación en MediaLab Prado (Madrid) con motivo de la Noche Europea de los Investigadores 2019. Los miembros de CSS Aída Serrano, Alberto Moure y Cecilia Granados se ganaron la atención de los más pequeños con sus vistosos y entretenidos experimentos.
Last 27th of September, several CSIC centers organized a dissemination event at MediaLab Prado (Madrid) on the occasion of the 2019 European Researchers' Night. The CSS members, Aída Serrano, Alberto Moure y Cecilia Granados caught the attention of the youngest with their entertaining experiments.
Evento/Event: "Investiga con CSIC en MediaLab Prado" #CSICmedialabwww.medialab-prado.es/actividades/investiga-con-csic-en-medialab-prado




I Jornadas de Jóvenes Científicos en Materiales de Construcción


Imagen Congreso Twitter

Por primera vez, el Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (ICV-CSIC), la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (ETSICCP-UPM) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) y el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (IETcc-CSIC) tienen el placer de invitarle a las I Jornadas de Jóvenes Científicos en Materiales de Construcción que celebraremos en Madrid los días 18 y 19 de junio, en la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UPM.
Estas Jornadas están dirigidas a todos aquellos miembros de la comunidad científica, estudiantes, técnicos e investigadores, que estén interesados en los avances de los materiales empleados en el sector de la construcción, con el objeto de ampliar sus conocimientos, exponer los resultados de sus investigaciones, o simplemente introducirse en el mundo de la investigación.
Para más información consultar la página web de las Jornadas: www.jjcmt.com  #jjcmt2018




  El Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio en la Red Nacional de Excelencia en Nanotecnología y Alimentación (FOOD) E-9


The first coordination meeting of the "Red Nacional de Excelencia en Nanotecnología y Alimentación (Food) E-9" was celebrated in december of 2017.
Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AECOSAN), Red Científica de la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA), Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio and different Spanish Universities belong to the network.




4º Workshop sobre Microscopia Raman

Un año más el Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio del CSIC tiene el placer de invitarle al 4º Workshop sobre Microscopía Raman Confocal que celebraremos en Madrid los días 26, 27 y 28 de abril bajo el título: “Understanding materials structure and performance by Raman Confocal Microscopy”. Este Workshop está dirigido a todos aquellos miembros de la comunidad científica, estudiantes, técnicos e investigadores, que estén interesados en la aplicación de la Microscopía Raman a las Ciencias de los Materiales y de la Vida, con el objetivo de ampliar sus conocimientos, exponer los resultados de sus investigaciones, o simplemente introducirse en la técnica.
La asistencia es gratuita y la forma de participación puede ser bien como oyente únicamente, para lo cual será necesario registrarse previamente, o bien como ponente a través de una comunicación oral de 15-20 minutos o de un póster en el que cuente los resultados más relevantes de su investigación. En el caso de que opte por participar como ponente, envíenos por favor un breve resumen de su comunicación antes del 31 de marzo con el formato que encontrará en la plantilla adjunta. Se entregará un certificado de asistencia a todos los participantes. Además, se hará entrega de 6 premios: 3 premios para las mejores presentaciones orales y otros 3 premios para los mejores posters.
Si desea participar en cualquiera de las modalidades envíe un e-mail a:
 Programa Definitivo    Libro de Abstracts


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A year after the Alfa de Oro award given to Vidres in collaboration with the ICV, the company presents the product at the Cevisama 2017 fair, with great expectations.
CEVISAMA is the International Ceramics Exhibition for Architecture, Bathroom and Kitchen Equipment, Natural Stone, Raw Materials, Glazes, Frits and Machinery. It is held in Valencia, every February.


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  Towards healthy and sustainable breakfasts  

The HEFESTO project begins, which aims to develop new baking systems to reduce consumption and process times.

The CO2 emissions from the application of heat in the food industry are of the order of 0.0772 kg of CO2-equivalent per Megajulium of heat generated (8.3% of the total emissions of the whole industry and 1.3% of the gross total of emissions). With these yields, during the year 2014 the Spanish agri-food industry emitted 253,435.94 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere, 90% of which come from heat application processes. 


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  ¡¡¡¡¡ They have done it again!!! The 2016 WITec Paper Awards

From nearly 100 submissions for the 2016 WITec Paper Awards, the jury selected the three best publications: they document how through correlative microscopy information on the chemical and structural composition of a material can be linked for a more comprehensive understanding. The annual awards recognize outstanding scientific work published the preceding year that employed a WITec device as part of its experimental setup. The evaluation criteria include the significance of the results for the scientific community and the originality of the techniques used.
The Silver Paper Award is conferred upon Fernando Rubio-Marcos, Adolfo Del Campo, Pascal Marchet and Jose Fernández from the Institute of Ceramics (Madrid, Spain). They analyzed barium titanate (BaTiO3), a ferroelectric material widely used in electroceramics, and found to their surprise that the domain walls of the material can be altered by polarized light. The effect was verified through Raman microscopy. The researchers believe that this light-stimulated behavior can lead to technological applications such as the development of data storage that can be read without contact, or remotely-controlled piezo-actuators. It is worth pointing out that after its achievement three years ago in the 2013 WITec Paper Awards where Fernando Rubio-Marcos received the “Bronze WITec Paper Award”, fortune smiled again in 2016 with the “Silver Paper Award” for his article published in Nature Communications.

Fernando Rubio-Marcos, Adolfo Del Campo, Pascal Marchet and Jose F. Fernández: Ferrolectric domain wall motion induced by polarized light. Nature Communications 2015, 6: 6594. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7594. 


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  ¡¡¡¡¡ ICV and Vidres: Alfa de Oro Award at CEVISAMA 2016 !!!!!

José Francisco Fernández, Esther Enríquez and Víctor Fuertes collaborated with the company Vidres in the development of glazes able to improve the energy efficiency of ceramic materials. 
CEVISAMA is the International Ceramics Exhibition for Architecture, Bathroom and Kitchen Equipment, Natural Stone, Raw Materials, Glazes, Frits and Machinery. It is held in Valencia, every February.
Good job, dear friends!   WOW!!!!


 Adrian Quesada

Adrián Quesada: invited speaker at IX GEFES Meeting

Adrián Quesada presented the conference "Atomically flat ultrathin cobalt ferrite islands" as an invited speaker at IX GEFES Meeting, which was celebrated in Cuenca (Spain) on 14th January 2016.
Congratulations for the excellent results!