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Ceramics for Smart Systems Group

P. Jaquotot.

Kerafrit S.A., Castellón, Spain.

Development of multifunctional metalized glazes and technical solutions related to ceramic glazes.



M.A. Bengochea.

Grupo Keraben S.A., Nules, Castellón, Spain.

Development of multifunctional metalized glazes and technical solutions related to ceramic supports. Inerting of harmful industrial waste in ceramic supports.


Marisol Martín-González.

IMM—Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid (CNM-CSIC).

Study of thermoelectric materials.


Pascal Marchet.

Laboratoire de Science des Procédés Céramiques et de Traitements de Surface, CNRS, Université de Limoges.

Study of lead-free piezoelectric materials.




M.A. Bañares.

Catalytic Spectroscopic Laboratory, Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

Study of materials for catalytic applications.


Antonio Esteban-Cubillo.

TOLSA S.A. R&D Department, Madrid, Spain.

Fabrication of glass coatings.
