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Ceramics for Smart Systems Group

Safe by design Micro-nanostructured ceramics and composites

The aim of this research line is to pursuit a quality fundamental research to effectively afford the design of new nanostructured micromaterials. First goal is to ensure that the nanoparticles remain stable during the material life cycle. This fact could introduce a real improvement in the previously applications of nanoparticles. Second goal is to address new functionalities based on the nanostructure materials. Materials in form of nanostructure microparticles or bulk materials are chosen to afford generalized or massive applications.

Bactericide and antifungal applications

Several nanoparticles as ZnO possesses a relevant effect as bactericide based on the ROS (Radical Oxygen Species) that inhibits bacteria’s proliferation. The use of bactericide nanoparticles could be detrimental if the nanoparticles liberate to the environment and as a consequence sterilization of landscape occurs. Pollution of countryside will be even more dangerous than the atmospheric one because it involves desertification. New nanostructured bactericide type will be attempt following the nanostructure approach in which the semiconductor is partially embedded into a matrix, i.e. feldspar crystals in glaze ceramics, or ZnO nanostructures.

UV-inorganic filters

The objective is to explore the UV absorption capabilities of several semiconductors as TiO2, ZnO or SiO2 to produce efficient UV-filter of microparticles with a designed nanostructure that promotes their safety use for living or environment. Application for cosmetic and polymer based composites will be addressed.


Web ImasD  

Dry dispersed Catalysts

The method of dry dispersion of the oxide nanoparticles is a challenge for heterogeneous catalytic processes. The effective design of interfaces allows tailoring both the selectivity and the efficiency to enhance the yield of chemical reactions. Control of the nanoparticles, nanoestructuration of supported nanoparticles and fine tuning of chemical species at the interfases are under the topics of this research area.


Raman and dry dispersion


Web Novel hierarchical catalysts


Security markers

The interest  is to understand how nanoparticles shown relevant changes in the electronic state due to proximity and to use this effect to unequivocally identify their state and therefore to produce an authentication marker . The application markers with safety life cycle could introduce these kinds of materials in a variety of applications ranging from textile, packaging, value document, ceramics, etc…