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Ceramics for Smart Systems Group

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Dr. Aída Serrano Rubio

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) (Collaborator)

I graduated from Physics Ph.D. program at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), carrying out my thesis work at Institute for Ceramic and Glasses (CSIC) with Dr. M.A. García and Dr. O. Rodríguez de la Fuente. This thesis work has recently been awarded by Springer Editorial for its publication in the book Series Springer Thesis. My main research line includes the study of nano/micromaterials by Surface Plasmon Resonance. I have experience in the nanostructure fabrication by physical methods and in analyzing of systems (i.e. Au, Ag, FeOx) by Confocal Raman Microscopy, synchrotron radiation and spectroscopy techniques. Currently, I am co-author of 1 book chapter and a total of 14 ISI-recorded publications with 82 cites and an h-factor=4. I am co-author of 37 contributions in Conferences, (18 in International Conferences), 25 oral contributions and 4 of them invited. Besides, I have participated in 6 research projects, one of them with a private company.